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Privacy Policy  Datenschutzrichtlinie

 By visiting this website and using applications produced by
Dreamers Reality Laboratory 
You agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy.

1. What Personal Information Dreamers Reality Laboratory Collects And Stores

1.1 The APPs produced by Dreamers Reality Laboratory DO NOT collect or store any information about you.

1.2 Dreamers Reality Laboratory does not use third parties, cookies or other technologies to collect or store information when using apps or visiting this website.

1.3 If you contact Dreamers Reality Labs personaly (via email, social media, patreon, discord or simular technologies) to give Feedback towards our Products and Survices or make a Bug report we will collect information about your person . The collected information will consist of the email address you've contect us with or if given your name/alias as well as any other information you knowingly provide us with.

2. How Dreamers Reality Laboratory Uses Your Personal Informations

2.1 If any Information about you has been collected (1.3) we use it to contact you about progress of processing any problem cases reported by you in person.

3. Disclosure Of Personal Information To Third Parties

3.1 We do not disclosure information (1.3) about you to any third parties without your knowledge and permission.

4. How Long Dreamers Reality Laboratory Keep's Collected Personal Information About You

4.1 Collected information (1.3) will get delated as soon as it gets unneeded or unused for any actions according to the use cases written in this privacy policy (2.1) .

5. How To Get Collected Information Delated

5.1 If you want stored information (1.3) about your person to be delated you can contact us directly (via mail: ) to get informt about what information we store about you and give the order to delate all of the stored information or just specific parts of it.


Changes to the Privacy Policy of this website and all applications produced by Dreamers Reality Laboratory will be uploaded  and updated on this website


Last update of  this Privacy Policy


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